Kindergarten Care (KCare)

Kindergarten Care (KCare) is available at all MOE Kindergartens (MK) for parents who require a full-day service for their children who are enrolled in MK.
KCare is a care service available in all MKs.
KCare operates from Monday to Friday, till 7pm, including school holidays. It is closed on public holidays, Teachers' Day, Children's Day and up to 6 additional days each year.
The programme includes meals as well as activities designed to provide time and space for children to play, explore and discover through:
Indoor and outdoor modular activities, such as tinkering, cookery and gardening activities.
Indoor and outdoor play, such as dramatic play, and sand and water play.
KCare provides a full-day programme for your child within the same premises as the MK.
Our KCare operator at MK@Junyuan:

Raffles Student Care Centre was established in 2008 and has been operating community and school-based student care and KCare centres at various locations across the country. Guided by our Company Vision of Building Our Next Generation, we inculcate core values and life skills to our young children to ensure they grow up well.