Befriending the Silver Generation
(Lions Befriender Active Aging Centres)
Our P6 students embarked on their VIA programme “Befriending the Silver Generation” over a period of three months. In collaboration with the school’s i.Innovate Committee, our students were led to design and create activities through the Design Thinking Process. For this VIA program, students first carried out research on issues affecting the silver generation, the needs of the elderly and ways to engage them. With their findings, the students then got into groups to design and create activities specifically for the elderly. Students were given a chance to conduct these activities for the elderly at the Lions Befriender Active Aging Centres. The elderly were enthralled and entertained by the energy by our students. They gamely participated in all the games, crafts and sing-along sessions organised by our students. The excitement was so contagious that the elderly requested for the games and activities to be left at the centre for them to play again.
It was indeed a meaningful learning experience for all the Primary 6 students who took part in this VIA program. We hope to inspire all our students to continue to contribute actively in our community.