National Day Celebrations 2022
During the 5 August Studio 91 Broadcast, one of the CCE ambassadors exclaimed excitedly, “Oh yes! I am looking forward to sing the National songs in the hall!” What she said on that day became a reality during the National Day celebration on 8 August 2022 in school. For the first time ever, selected Cub scouts joined our talented teachers, Mr Muru and Mrs Sarah Quek, to lead the whole school in a rousing sing-along of our favourite National Day songs. This was followed by music videos produced by our Music Interest Club, School Choir and Modern Dance Club to seal the celebratory mood on that day. The P5s concluded the celebration by sharing the proud moments of their NE Show experience with their peers in a montage video.
The National Day celebration had begun with the Observance Ceremony, whereby the Cub scouts marched in with the state flag. Throughout this solemn ceremony, all the students played their role well in showing their utmost respect to our nation. Through the National Day message by Mr Chan Chun Sing and the animated ‘Recollection’ video, all staff and students were motivated to play a more active role in the community to make the theme for this year NDP “Stronger Together, Majulah!” a reality in their daily lives.
After the concert segment, all levels were engaged in differential Art & Craft activities to remind them how they can stay united as a nation to make a stronger Singapore. The P1s made shakers using empty drinking water bottle, to create the awareness that upcycling helps to move Singapore towards a Greener Singapore. Other levels were engaged in Art activities to made pledges to show commitment to make Singapore a kinder place for all. Through these activities, the importance of social cohesiveness through diversity, graciousness and kindness in order to make Singapore stronger was made visible.
Indeed, it was a special and meaningful celebration for the whole school. The togetherness shown by all the participants, both in the school hall and classrooms, embodied the theme for this year National Day “Stronger Together, Majulah!”