Learning Journeys
Learning Journeys
P3 Field-based Learning Journey to Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom
In Term 2, the Primary 3 pupils went on a Field-based Learning Journey to the Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom. Surrounded with lush tropical greenery, the park is one of the Asia’s largest collections of insects.
The facilitators led the pupils into an intimate learning experience and taught them more about the insects. Many of pupils stepped forward eagerly to engage and interact with the butterflies and insects. There were other animals such as the iguana and parrots in the park, which provided pupils up-close encounters with different animals too. The focus was learning the life cycle of the butterfly. The students stepped into the hut where all the pupae of the butterflies were housed. They even get to see how some butterflies which just broke out from the pupa case, drying their wings before they take flight.
The trip allows pupils to better relate what they have learnt in the syllabus (Diversity of Living and Non-Living Things) to real life experiences. It was an educational tour with the scents, sights and sounds of an authentic tropical rainforest that left the pupils in awe of these small magnificent insects.

Science Field Trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
The P6 students went on a Science field trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. As we embarked on the topic of environment and adaptations, the learning journey was timely to provide the nature setting for our students to learn and be awed with the new discoveries. The learning journey aimed to strengthen students’ understanding in the diversity of living things and their adaptation in order to survive in the mangrove.
During the field trip, the students were also taught the importance of protecting our natural heritage. Sungei Buloh is situated in the North-West corner of Singapore and is well known for its mangrove forests and migratory shorebirds. The students learnt about the different communities found in a mangrove. They also learnt about how the plants and animals living in the mangrove adapt to their environment for survival.